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Open studio at Folksfabriek

Folksfabriek Havenkade 6, Assen

Open studio day at Folksfabriek in Assen, where several local artists showcase their work and answer questions. The Voltage Painter will exhibit (and sell) luxury metal prints and give a live demonstration of the modular video synthesizer. Also present are Anne Varekamp, Karijn Photogallery, and Urban Sketchers. The Folksfabriek is a new cultural breeding ground […]


SEISMIC at Gogbot

Warp Technopolis Stationsplein 1A, Enschede

The Voltage Painter will be contributing to the art program at Gogbot festival in Enschede (NL) with an installation called SEISMIC. The acronym stands for Superposition & Entanglement of Image & Sound, Making an Interactive Choir. It is a self-playing, interactive work on the modular audio and video synthesizer. You can read more about the […]
